Contact us to book this course
Capability Building at The PSC
020 3965 2033
"The Project Aristotle study revealed that psychological safety is the number one predictor of team effectiveness"
1 half-day workshop (or series of workshops), in-person
Psychological safety is a belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns or mistakes (Amy Edmondson, Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at Harvard Business School).
Research has shown that it is one of the most important dynamics for setting successful teams apart, including in public services.
Our interactive course will provide your teams with the tools to effectively foster personal and professional growth. We will cover the following areas:
- Understanding psychological safety as a foundation for managing uncertainty
- The neuroscience of psychological safety
- How interactions and behaviours are impacted by feeling psychologically unsafe
- Creating an environmental where we can learn and develop together
- Identifying behaviours that help and hinder psychological safety
This course includes participant exercises where we will collaboratively explore opportunities to boost pysychological safety amongst your teams.
Our facilitators are all experienced consultants at The PSC who use the psychological safety tools on a daily basis, including with their public service clients.
Please note that we can adapt the course to your bespoke needs. The more insight you are able to share with us about your teams, context, and organisational culture, the more we can tailor our approach.
Find out more on our podcast
Eli Bond, an Associate Partner at The PSC, explores how psychological safety impacts teams and organisations for the better. You can listen to the full episode on Spotify or Apple Podcasts or search 'The PSC in Conversation' wherever you listen to podcasts.