The Influence Model is a framework to help think through how to move plans and recommendations from strategy to implementation. The tool consists of four levers to consider when looking to shift people's mindsets and behaviours.
You can find downloadable PowerPoint and Google Doc templates for the Influence Model below.

The Stakeholder Prioritisation Matrix offers a simple way of prioritising which stakeholders to engage based on their level of interest in and influence over your work. It can be the first step in pulling together a straightforward stakeholder engagement plan.
You can find downloadable PowerPoint and Google Doc templates for the Stakeholder Prioritisation Matrix below.

The Pugh Matrix offers a semi-quantitative evaluation apporach for a set of options - which you can score against a set of weighted criteria. This tool is useful for appraising and prioritising options in a collaborative way. It works for any decision in which several factors with different levels of importance are involved.
You can find downloadable PowerPoint and Google Doc templates for the Pugh Matrix below.

The Introduction to Strategic Thinking course covers four sessions over two days.
Below is an outline of these sessions:
Outline: Day 1 - Session A
- Introduction to the course
- Working in challenging strategic environments
- Synthesising insight - introduction to SCQA
Outline: Day 1 - Session B
- Tool 1: Problem Definition Sheet
- Tool 2: Issue Trees
- Synthesising insight - SCQA as the golden thread
Outline: Day 2 - Session C
- Tool 3: Hypothesis Trees
- Tool 4: Workplan Boat Chart
- Tool 5: Pugh Matrix for options appraisal
- Synthesising insight - 5-sentence story
Outline: Day 2 - Session D
- Stakeholder engagement
- Tool 6: Stakeholder Prioritisation Matrix
- Influencing styles
- Tool 7: Influence Model
- Synthesising insight - pyramid storyline + user-friendly slides
Course participants can find the session materials available for download below.

The Problem Structuring and Analytical Thinking (PSAT) course covers two half-day sessions.
Below, is an outline of both training course sessions:
Outline: Part 1
- Introduction to 'Problem Structuring and Analytical Thinking'
- Tool 1: Problem Definition Sheet
- Tool 2: Issue Trees
- Tool 3: Hypothesis Trees
- Tool 4: Boat Chart work planning
- Application of the tools together
Outline: Part 2
- Refresh of the Problem Solving tools
- Practising and embedding the approaches
- Generating insight
- Influencing others
Course participants can find the session materials available for download below.
"It's rare to have training where I genuinely think I've been given tools to use immediately, and rare to find tools I'm excited to use!"

In this module we focus on communicating recommendations and wrapping up a project effectively.
Learning objectives:
- Understand the importance of reflecting on and learning from a project
- Understand how to wrap-up a project so that it is sustainable
- Understand how to communicate project outcomes to senior stakeholders
"The tools and techniques covered are vital for managers and clinicians – they provide a practical and powerful way to effectively solve the knotty, complex problems that we face."

In this module we cover the tools for successful project planning and implementation, and how to overcome barriers to delivery.
Learning objectives:
- Understand how to prioritise to maximise the likelihood of successful delivery, using tools such as prioritisation matrices
- Understand how to define and measure benefits from implementation, drawing on tools such as KPIs
- Be confident about identifying and mitigating risks and issues during implementation
- Understand how to engage stakeholders to buy-into your findings and commit to your implementation plan, using the 'influence model' of behavioural change
- Enable your stakeholders to work with you to overcome barriers to successful delivery
"It was the best training I've ever had. The PSC took on the concerns raised on day one and by day two they were addressed."

In this module we return to hypotheses, to translate analysis into 'so what', credible options, and powerful insights and recommendations.
Learning objectives:
- Understand how to translate analyses into insight, extracting the 'so what' of each analysis and piece of information
- Appreciate that not all data needs to be included in the final recommendation, only what is relevant
- Understand how to perform option appraisals in situations where each option has non-financial impacts (e.g., quality of care) as well as financial impacts
- Understand how to form and communicate recommendations effectively, providing arguments to underpin the case to be made to stakeholders, such as decision-makers
- Learn how to treat different types of analytical insights, such as quantitative vs. qualitative and those of different quality
- Revisit the use of hypothesis trees and the iterative process in hypothesis development
"One of the best types of these courses I have been on."

In this module we introduce modelling to generate projections and scenarios, and cover how this might support options appraisals.
Learning objectives:
- Understand the basic principles of best practice model design
- Understand how to check the quality of an existing model
- Know how to generate 'projections' so that they are robust, easy to understand, and can be used to quantify different scenarios for stakeholders
- Understand how options development and appraisal might fit within a project
- Know how to use 'projections' to evaluate the financial implications of a set of options
- Know how to perform option appraisals in situations where each option has non-financial impacts (e.g., quality of care) as well as financial impacts
"Thank you for everything you have taught us. I am definitely using it to perform my work better and I am getting better results."

In this module we focus on conducting fast experimental cycles called 'Plan Do Study Act' (PDSA) cycles to support process improvement.
Learning objectives:
- Understand the basic principles of PDSA cycles
- Practise hypothesis-led thinking by conducting PDSA cycles
- Be aware of tools that can be used to support process improvement within these cycles
"All the facilitators were excellent."

In this module we cover interviewing, and how to effectively gather information from people and research.
Learning objectives:
- Understand the principles of good interviewing
- Know how to prepare an interview guide
- Practise conducting interviews, and reflect on feedback provided on styles and techniques
- Learn how to research best practice
"I found the course very useful, but also enjoyable and fun, thanks to all the contributors who did an excellent job keeping up the interest and momentum."

In this module we focus on gathering the right data for analysis, and how you can use Excel to generate insights from this data.
Learning objectives:
- Develop a good working knowledge of the Excel functions that are most commonly used to analyse datasets
- Understand how to format Excel spreadsheets and ensure accurate presentation of analysis
- Be aware of the potential pitfalls associated with datasets, including risks from datasets which are based on small samples of data and/or from biased data samples
- Practise data analysis skills on Excel
"FEP gave me the confidence that I could do analysis and modelling, and engage with the numbers involved in managing a complex service, and now I use Excel every day."

The Workplan Boat Chart involves developing a project plan on a page that pulls together your phases, activities, meetings, and outputs. This tool can be a useful overview for both project leads and stakeholders.
You can find downloadable PowerPoint and Google Doc templates for the Workplan Boat Chart below.
"Great course - genuinely one of the most useful and applicable bits of training I've done in the last 5 years."

The Hypothesis Tree involves testing your recommendation or hypothesised answer to the problem by structuring the evidence you have or want to collect. This tool can be used to organise your thoughts and highlight where there are gaps in your logic.
You can find downloadable PowerPoint and Google Doc templates for the Hypothesis Tree below.
"The course facilitator was very good. The course gave easy-to-use practical examples I can use straight away, so I won't forget them."

The Issue Tree involves breaking down your question or problem into distinct parts or workstreams, so that you can start to tackle it. This tool can give you the confidence that you have looked at the full extent of a project, particularly when you are planning.
You can find downloadable PowerPoint and Google Doc templates for the Issue Tree below.
"Thanks very much! These two sessions were highly informative, practical and really well-delivered. I hope our paths cross again in the training world soon."

The Problem Definition Sheet involves defining and setting out the key question to be addressed and the important parameters of a project on a single page.
You can find downloadable PowerPoint and Google Doc templates for the Problem Definition Sheet below.
"Fantastic presenters - they were effective at explaining the tools but also giving examples of how they've used them and engaged clients using the tools, which was great"

Preparing for the Delivering Fast Effective Projects course
Below you will find materials available for download in advance of your course.
This includes the following preparation document which you will be using in Module 1:
- Kick Off Memo from Integrated Care Board CEO
You can also download additional materials which will be relevant to later modules, and the entirety of the course:
- Full Participant Pack
- Handout Workbook

In this module we will prepare you to structure your problem and set up a work plan for your project, using tools such as issue trees and 2x2 matrices.
Learning objectives:
- Understand how to disaggregate problems into core elements and translate this into a work plan
- Understand the importance of prioritisation – including which issues to focus on and where to expend team efforts
You can find downloadable materials and templates below for use during the course.
"FEP helped build mutually supportive friendships at work; relationships that have continued long after the programme"

In this module we will help you develop hypotheses to clarify your thinking and synthesise recommendations efficiently, using tools such as the hypothesis tree.
Learning objectives:
- Recognise the importance of constantly articulating and developing hypotheses
- Understand how to use a hypothesis tree to do this
"Thanks so much for a brilliant course. I've been applying hypothesis trees all over the place!"

In this module we detail how to engage with stakeholders effectively throughout your project, using the right influencing and interviewing techniques.
Learning objectives:
- Be able to plan and prioritise stakeholder engagement
- Be aware of effective techniques for engaging with and influencing stakeholders
- Understand good interviewing technique
- Be prepared for challenging engagements
"I would like to thank our facilitator in particular because he allowed everyone to feel comfortable and created an open space for everyone to get involved."

In this module we cover the necessary steps for successfully launching a project, including through the use of specific tools, such as the Problem Definition Sheet.
Learning objectives:
- Understand what is meant by a fast, effective project
- Understand the need to invest sufficient time in ensuring the project scope is right
- Be aware of the elements of project scope: the problem definition, stakeholders, criteria for success, what’s out of scope
- Be aware of other elements of a project kick-off which relate to the proposed approach – workplans, deliverables, governance, stakeholder engagement, information requirements, key meetings, project risks, and team working style