The PSC news-insights: category

Improving Hospital Discharge in Winter: Our Effective Collaboration Recipe
How Can National Agencies Ensure Defence, Safety And Security: Priorities For National Space Agencies In The Next Five Years
20 years to build a hospital? How to save up to £7.5m by speeding up design and approvals for new hospitals & what this could mean for the New Hospital Programme
Sustainability in a Digital World: how to reduce your tech carbon footprint
Transforming Mental Health Services: The Impact of the Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework
Digital Services Doing Good: our highlights of the year
Reaching net zero in the NHS need not compromise patient care - in fact, it should enhance it
How can capability building bring about long-lasting change for public service organisations?
Coping with Crisis: How The PSC Helped Transform Cornwall’s Health and Care System
Governing in the 21st Century: The Labour Party Conference Panel
In Conversation with James Friend
In Conversation with Jamie Martin

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