The PSC news-insights: category

NHS Planning Guidance 2025/26: Expected Changes and Priorities
UK Government’s AI Opportunities Action Plan: What does it mean for public services?
Lord Darzi Review: Key Takeaways and Our Contribution on UEC “Crowding Out” Other Services
What a new Labour government means for sustainability and the net zero agenda in the UK public sector
Sustainability in infrastructure: considerations for ICS Infrastructure Strategies​
How can systems improve UEC performance and drive down costs?
The first 100 days: what are some of the ways Labour can start to deliver on their healthcare priorities?
What can we learn from national clinical transformation programmes?
How can new hospitals enable clinical reconfiguration to deliver sustainable services that meet population needs?
What does a good net zero programme look like for Integrated Care Systems?
20 years to build a hospital? How to save up to £7.5m by speeding up design and approvals for new hospitals & what this could mean for the New Hospital Programme
Reaching net zero in the NHS need not compromise patient care - in fact, it should enhance it

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