The PSC team: team-member

 Heather McTaggart

Heather McTaggart


Having completed her doctorate at the University of Oxford, Heather utilises her experience in academic research and attention to detail to bring a thorough data-driven approach to all projects.

Known for her competitive spirit, she is passionate about improving public services and is proactive in ensuring that public services are as accessible as possible. Since joining the PSC in 2022, Heather's analytical rigour has enabled her to critically engage with client issues and deliver tangible changes to the user experience.

Her recent work has included:

  • Market analysis of mental health services and diagnostic treatment of ADHD, Autism and other neuro-developmental conditions
  • Building and prototyping new online training services

Outside of work, Heather enjoys reading historical fiction, working her way through London's Chinese restaurants, and a good spin class.

The Team

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