The PSC case-studies: entry

Case Study: 2,000 Civil Servants trained in problem solving methodology

Over 2,000 people have been trained in a problem solving methodology, while simultaneously delivering improvement projects that have transformed performance.

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Our client wanted to build improvement capacity and culture to achieve nationally leading quality, safety and financial performance. We designed an organisation-wide development programme based around our problem solving methodology. This is now being widely used across central government and the NHS.

Case Study: 2,000 Civil Servants trained in problem solving methodology

Our approach has been developed and refined through over 120 programmes, involving over 2,000 participants from over 35 organisations (including with multiple NHS acute trusts and regulators, the Metropolitan Police, the Home Office, central government departments, ombudsman services). We have created a unique blend of development approaches which have achieved returns on investment for clients of 400-500% within the first year.

We achieve this through a development approach that is highly integrated with the organisation’s improvement initiatives. We further maximise value for money by building capabilities within the organisation to co-develop and deliver the programme. Through such a program at a large UK hospital trust, we have empowered another client to train 1,000 of their own staff to white belt, yellow belt and green belt levels, helping deliver sustainable improvements across the organisation.

Our experiences strongly indicate that leadership, cultural and behaviour change cannot be delivered through purely theoretical training courses, or in isolation from real, tangible improvements; as such our programme is designed to deliver significant quality and financial improvements through developing the skills and capabilities of individuals within all levels of organisations.

Feedback from participants

  • "I am more confident and, for the first time, I feel empowered and supported to lead the improvements I want to make, instead of being ‘done to’"
  • "I will be a better manager for attending [and] would be much more confident to take on similar projects in the future"
  • “Overall it has helped me gain confidence in quality improvement and enabled me to design and lead a project by myself”

Projects delivered by participants

  • In one NHS Trust, the pain clinic improvements have moved from an expected time period for implementation from two years to three months, which is being rolled out to all outpatient services, and have screened over 1,500 patients.
  • In another organisation, the improvement projects are delivering substantial savings. For example, one of the current cohorts has delivered over £80,000 net savings through their project (following two days of training and 10 mentoring sessions). The same organisation has now delivered over 200 of these projects.

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