The PSC team: team-member

 Catherine Mulcahy

Catherine Mulcahy

Chief Operating Officer

Catherine has been part of The PSC since its early days as 2020 Delivery, guiding the team through the excitement and pain of growing and maturing.

The company’s mission drives her decisions: improvements are worthwhile if they help the whole team to achieve impact more effectively for public service users. She can be relied upon to combine a pragmatic approach to problem-solving with a memory of what has been tried before.

As a Director and the company's Chief Operating Officer, Catherine supports her senior leadership team colleagues in combining strategic thinking with prioritising and taking action. Her unflappable nature helps her manage the many threads of her role together with her team. She oversees all of The PSC's corporate functions, building and evolving teams of internal and outsourced expertise as the company grows. She is proud to know every person who has worked with The PSC and enjoys understanding their experiences and interests to help them develop.

Some of the changes Catherine has managed include moving the whole company to remote working in response to COVID-19; developing and launching a total rebrand; refining our back office team and supporting company-wide initiatives to increase diversity and reduce bias.

Catherine is a Chartered Engineer who started her career in a chemical factory followed by large IT environments. Outside of work, she spent many years riding horses and teaching riding, but these days her weekends are more likely to be spent sailing or cycling with her family.

The Team

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