The PSC team: team-member

 Katie Style

Katie Style


With a background in engineering, Katie has brought her analytical and problem-solving expertise to The PSC since early 2022. She is results-focussed and determined to have a positive impact in her work, making The PSC a natural fit. 
Katie is particularly interested in solving complex and challenging healthcare problems with project highlights including:

  • Supporting the delivery of digital maternity priorities for an Integrated Care System, liaising with suppliers and service users to enable information sharing that best meets user needs.
  • Engaging with service teams at a community NHS Trust rolling out a new system for reporting on and managing waiting lists centred around preventing clinical harm.

Outside of work, you'll often find Katie in the kitchen cooking up a storm, glued to the football scores to see if her fantasy football team has come through, or planning her next trip around the world.

The Team

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